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朱宗宏:Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves and its application to fundamental physics and cosmology
发布时间:2020-11-03     浏览次数:
Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves and its application to fundamental physics and cosmology
 演讲人单位:  北师大天文系
 演 讲 人:  朱宗宏 教授
 主持人单位:  北师大物理系
 主 持 人:  马永革 教授
 开 始 时 间:  2020年11月03日 10:30
 结 束 时 间  2020年11月03日 12:00
 举 办 地 点  物理楼106
 演 讲 说 明 

The first direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) opens the new era of gravitational wave astronomy. The strongly lensed GWs seen by 3G detectors accompanied by electromagnetic (EM) signals could be used to test modified theories of gravity, serve as a milestone in precision cosmology, and apply to studying dark matter distributions. I will introduce the event rate observed by 3G detectors as well as those applications of lensed GW-EM system to fundamental physics and cosmology.

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