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Anders W Sandvik:Mini course on quantum Monte Carlo studies of spin systems
发布时间:2020-12-24     浏览次数:
Mini course on quantum Monte Carlo studies of spin systems
 演讲人单位:  Boston University and IOP-CAS
 演 讲 人:  Anders W Sandvik 教授
 主持人单位:  双色球
 主 持 人:  郭文安 教授
 开 始 时 间:  2020年12月24日 09:00
 结 束 时 间  2020年12月24日 12:00
 举 办 地 点  教七楼502
 演 讲 说 明 

I will discuss quantum Monte Carlo methods based on the stochastic series expansion approach at finite temperature and related ground state projector methods. Examples will be given to show how these methods can deliver reliable results for some of the most challenging problems in quantum magnetism, with a focus on systems with dimer ordering and the related deconfined quantum criticality scenario. I will also explain finite-size scaling of numerical data and how to connect results to the renormalization group approach.
zoom link
https://zoom.com.cn/j/64621491534,password: 877559


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